
Best 3 Herbal & Ayurvedic Supplements for healthy Lifestyle in India

Vanesha focuses on amalgamating the principles of organic medicine with cutting-edge technology to provide you with the best quality, holistic, and 100% safe therapies and treatments. Vanesha was founded with a motive of creating a healthy living in the body, mind, and spirit. We believe in making the best use of traditional medicine to bring a positive change to your life. 1.      Vanesha Rhumaveda Rhumaveda: For Joint Pain, Arthritis, Spondylitis (40 Sachet of 5gm Each) Rhumaveda is an herbal composition with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and immunomodulatory properties. With the help of potent ingredients, it controls joint pain, inflammation and degenerative process without any undesired side effects. Being herbal, this products is safe for long period unlike NSAIDS and steroids. It comes in the form of palatable granules which can be consumed with milk or water comfortably. Herbal Supplements for Joint Pain . An ayurvedic treatment to control pain and infla...

Best Ayurveda Herbs with Their Health Benefits to Lose Weight | Supplements for Reduce Cortisol

Obesity is a rising public health threat that can affect any person at any stage of the lifecycle. It is hazardous for the healthiness and can also decrease confidence among individuals. Excessive body weight can be the reason behind several health diseases such as heart problems, diabetes, and many more. Unnecessary weight can also impact the mental health of an individual causing stress and depression-like problems. Thankfully, one can stay fit and lose those additional kilos with the correct approach. Ayurvedic herbs for weight loss along with proper diet control and lifestyle management is what an individual needs to stay healthy and fit. How Is Ayurveda Helpful in the Weight Loss Process? According to Ayurveda, an individual tends to gain weight due to the factors like unhealthy diet, oversleeping, poor way of living, and the absence of exercise. All such factors lead to a certain state of fat accumulation or obesity. The increase of the fat tissues blocks all the channels in ...

Jamun (Indian Blackberry) For Diabetes - 4 Reasons Why You Must Eat It! - herbs to lower blood sugar naturally

Mansoon markets are right up for delicious, healthy, and nutritious fruits. Jamun is flooded over Indian markets that are popular for less carbohydrate content. This Indian Blackberry has been recognized with several names considering Jamun for Hindi, Mahaphala, or Jambufalam in Sanskrit, Neredu in Telugu, and much more. This seasonal fruit has maximum benefits for a diabetics type 2 person that reduces sugar content in the body with its low carb content. However, the combination of Kerala Juice and Jamun is available throughout the year which is a natural remedy to cure diabetes. The juicy blackberries are known for their ayurvedic treatment and for Chinese medicine. Though Jamun isn't available for all 365 days, different juices are available which are highly rich in Vitamins, proteins, magnesium, potassium, and many other essential nutrients. This juice is a combination of optimized ingredients with high fiber and fewer calories. How to Intake Jamun Juice? It is the best...

5 Things You Should Know About Arthritis - Vanesha

  What Is Arthritis? Arthritis is a joint inflammation disease in which the swelling or tenderness of the joints takes place. In other words, it causes the inflammation of one or more joints which leads to extreme pain and stiffness of the joints. Basically, it is a chronic disease but in some cases, it may last lifelong. The symptoms of Arthritis are — swelling, redness, pain, reduced range of motion, and stiffness. A person diagnosed with arthritis gets into a worse condition over the age if this disease is not treated on time. The most common types of arthritis are  Herbal knee pain home remedies indian Common Symptoms of Arthritis!! Every disease has its own symptoms through which one can be diagnosed. Similarly, Arthritis has four most common symptoms that are- Types of Arthritis- There are more than 100 types of Arthritis but some of the common forms are- How Arthritis Is Treated? Arthritis treatment  involves controlling the pain and minimizing joint damage. There ...