5 Things You Should Know About Arthritis - Vanesha

 What Is Arthritis?

  • Medications
  • Non-pharmacologic therapies
  • Physical or occupational therapy
  • Splints or joint assistive aids
  • Patient education and support
  • Weight loss
  • Surgery, including joint replacement
  • Drink a lot of fat-burning juices along with coconut water which boosts the metabolism and decreases body fat. This will greatly help to relieve the pain in joints.
  • Hot and cold therapy is something which can help to reduce the swelling and pain at joints. One just needs a cloth dipped in hot water on their joints for a couple of minutes then immediately switches the hot cloth with a cloth dipped in cold water.
  • Acupuncture can help to reduce redness and pain. This is an ancient Chinese technique in which some needles are inserted into some specific points of the body.
  • Adding a good amount of turmeric to the disease can greatly help to improve immunity and joint strength. Also, it boosts metabolism.


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